Search Engine Optimization & Content Marketing
What’s the first step in SEO?
- What keywords and descriptions are winning impressions and clicks in your vertical niche?
- What social platforms are prospective customers active in?
- What content have the competitors published that attracts the most attention?
- What has been the competitors pay-per-click budget, if any.
SEO is like an onion. How deep do you want to peel the onion is the question.
Do you only want basic hard-coded On-Page SEO? Do you want SEO tracking an monthly updates to increase your search authority? You see SEO is not one thing. It’s actually many different things that work to together to better help better rank website higher in search results page for the end user.
Keywords, descriptions and other metadata are still important, just not as important as they use to be. Google uses AI to index the intent of your writings (content). This better helps Google deliver better search results than metadata alone.
What is Content Marketing?
We had use to call it Blogging, is now called Content Marketing. It’s one of the best SEO practices you can do!
The more useful content your website has the more likely it may have what users are searching for. Content Marketing is the new SEO.
I’m sure you’ve heard… Content is King! Google has been directly telling the web community since 2018 …we want more content! They are serious about original content as a necessity thing.
Content is the new SEO for Search Engine Optimization and Content Marketing.
Google’s AI still needs more help understanding more ambiguous words because it’s imperfect. Schema Tags are the newest tool. They are used to enhance the presence of your website in search engine results by add specific data markup clarifications for local business, media, restaurants, movies, events, products, and much more.
Original useful content on your website, on pages or in a blog, can drive more organic traffic to your website. Google registers this traffic and it is used to drive even more traffic. Like a snow ball rolling downhill. It just keeps getting bigger over time.
So for your website to show best in search results you need original text content. Using schema tags on your content improves search even more. Content drives SEO.
Writing content is hard.
Writing new stories on a monthly schedule is even harder. LikeCatcher is here to assist your content creation needs. Either as a ghost author, or as your editor, proofreader, or whip to keep you on task. Writing great content is only part of the solution. Read on the learn why…
Let’s break down why this is.
People go to the internet generally for 3 things:
- To learn something.
- To be entertained.
- To buy something.
Search relies on indexes in databases to answer search requests. Computers don’t understand video or audio. Computers only understand keystrokes. Written content provides these keystrokes for search indexes.
Because of Google Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now being used to interpret written content and stories, users can now ask search requests in a more human and freestyle fashion. Google’s AI attempts to understand content’s underlying meanings in its index database. Simply put, Google’s AI is prioritizing indexed content over traditional meta tags used in in the past.
SEO use to work best by coding traditional meta tags, hierarchy H1-H4 tags, backlinks, and such on your web pages. Though this should still be done to some extent, it’s less important than the written text content today because of these changes.