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A “FAKE me” conned my friends with a Facebook scam
I’m not kidding. Really me. And I’m a professional. You’d think I would have known better. I had not kept up with the privacy setting on my own personal Facebook page and a Facebook scam crook took advantage of my account. Lucky for me that my friend are very smart.
[sociable icon=”facebook”][box background=”#cccccc”]Read the whole story to learn how to easily protect yourself and your friends.
It started about 7:00 PM on a Monday night. My daughter was first to notice that I suddenly had 2 Facebook accounts. The bogus account already scammed 13 of my friends into “Friending” the fake page of my impersonator. I immediately reported the abusive fake Facebook scam page of me to Facebook. By 7:20 PM, I was getting messages and phone calls from a dozen or so of my friends. They wanted to tell me of the weird and unusual messages “…I had just sent them.” What an embarrassment and hassle! It really killed my evening.
First off, let me say there is no Facebook department of compensation!
The latest Facebook scam:
- A crook is capturing your list of friends.
- Then they copy your profile and cover image.
- With this they make a new Facebook page that looks like yours.
- Now the crook messages all your friends and asks them to like their fake Facebook page of yours.
- Once a victim likes the fake page they begin a conversation to con your friends with their Facebook scam of easy money.
They message begin with:
- A question about your family (of which they have no idea).
- Then the crook tells you that he’s so happy with the money he getting from the Facebook Dept of Compensation (that does not exist.)
- The crook works to get you to click on a link.
The following is the real dialog from one of my friends (the crook misspelled my name; so many typos):
Joel Lulacher: Hello how’re you doing and how’s family there, Hope everything is at your end?
Michael: Doing great out on vacation with the family in Cape Hateras.. I hope you are well.
Joel Lulacher: Am doing pretty good and extremely happy for my life Cuz facebook department of compensation has really change my life for Good.i’ve got a pleasant and awesome news to share with you.Guess what?
Michael: What?
Joel Lulacher: I was just wondering if you heard about the program that was imposed and authorized by Facebook (CEO MARK ZUCKERBEG),in regards for humanity support,poverty eradication and Support Facebook User’s..have you?
Michael: Imposed and authorized sounds pretty ominous. Can’t say I read anything about it.
Joel Lulacher: Oh i thought you’ll have heard about it. They are helping and supporting the above age range of 18-79years with free bonus money. Well, I am so excited because i am one of the lucky winner to win a sum of $150,000.00 cash from Facebook department of compensation. Have you gotten yours Yet?
Michael: No, this sound like one of those scams.
Joel Lulacher: I want you to know that this is real and legit and also covered by the government
Joel Lulacher: I’m very serious and am not pulling your legs.
Joel Lulacher: Now this really has no reality to it. Covered by the government is purely a fictional concept.
Michael: You are not who you picture yourself as.
Joel Lulacher: That is what they told me and i got my winnings delivered to me in real at my doorstep and i want you to know that i didnt believe it until i got it delivered to me
Joel Lulacher: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008279085300 {see image of FAKE profile below} just click on the link and send him a friend request Let me know when you’ve done that
Michael is a smart guy. He recognized from the start this was not really me, but an imposter trying to rip him off! Thanks Mike for the transcript.
What should you do if you get… a Facebook message to friend someone you already have as a friend?
Here’s how… Block the crook and report them as abuse.
- Click the 3-dots to the right of the title Message inside of the cover photo at the top right of the page.
- Click the work Report/Block…
- Click the radio button to the left of Submit a Report, and Report XXX account ,and then Confirm Button.
- Then complete the abuse report.
Bruce: Joel I think you have been spammed. Check your Facebook account for a duplicate name of yourself.
Me: Yes. I just found it too. Someone has created a fake account in my name. my account has a middle initial “M” now. Beware of imposters!
Bruce: I started chatting with guy and then he kept asking me about if I wanted to know how he was making money from Facebook Dept of Compensation. I told him we can meet for lunch. He didn’t reply. I then figured out it wasn’t you so I blocked the name. I usually don’t fall for spam but it has been a long day. I didn’t give him any personal info.
Me: Unbelievable!!!
Bruce: Makes you wonder how he got your info.
Me: He copied my real profile & cover photos and made a similar page.
Bruce: That’s what I thought. Oh well…
How to make your friends list private in 4-easy steps: By default your list of friends are public – for all the world to see.
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The spammer is now sending TEXT MESSAGE spam to friends phones. See the transcript of 13 messages sent to me. The 13 parts were sent out of order, and missing some parts. Notice all the typos:
(part 1/13) My name is David.s.Anderson I work for the Department of Compensation and Urban
(part 2/13) united nations in conjunction with federal government. Let me start by explaining in full details on how to get the grants and what Development (CUD). This progrmmed was introduce by (part 3/13)MISSING
(part 4/13) entitled for to help yourself make it through tough economic conditions. You can use government grant money to pay your (part 5/13) bills,college, school, medical expenses, business, business costs, or even personal use.
?Back in 2009, the government made (part 6/13)MISSING (part 7/13) funding programs: There is absolutely no limit as to the number of grants you can apply for. The truth is, many people aren’t even (part 8/13) aware that government grants exist
! The government does not knock on your door to offer you free money
? No credit checks required
(part 9/13) No need for co-signers
? You may be eligible even with bad credit or bankruptcy
? You never have to pay back government grants
?We (part 10/13) Are United Power To Success and Focus Facebook User’s, Supported and Approved By United State Of America Government. Congratulation!, (part 11/13)MISSING (part 12/13) claim. Kindly let me know once you’re ready to claim your Winning Money. Await your quick response.
(part 13/13) Reagards,
Remember David Anderson’s FAKE Facebook page above? Check a person’s Facebook profile page before you Friend them. As I said previously… Don’t friend FAKERS!